New York City c. 2005. Orza founder Seth Orza had a problem. The most important item in his dance bag, the one he wore every-single day, month after month, year after year, wasn’t supporting his body in the way he needed. Not by a long shot. Side-lined by a debilitating case of plantar fasciitis, just as his career at New York City Ballet was taking flight, Seth felt isolated, helpless and really, really frustrated. In order to provide relief while dancing in his standard, name-brand ballet slippers, he rigged store-bought heel cups and placed them inside his slippers.
Seattle c. 2010. Now a leading principal dancer with Pacific Northwest Ballet, the heel cups Seth heavily relied on to sustain his body through rigorous and long days of dancing, were suddenly discontinued. Seth was panicked. After contacting the company that had manufactured the heel cup to ask if he could buy up any and all remaining stock, only to find out here was nothing left, Seth was at a loss.
He also had a big, obvious question for the dance footwear industry: Where was the innovation? Where was the updated technology?  Where was the care and concern for dancer well-being?
This was the moment ORZA was born. If no one else was willing to do better for dancers, well then— one of our own would.
Planet Earth c 2023. After over a decade of research, design and trial, the Orza Pro One launched onto the dance scene. With never seen before patented, shock absorbing technology built discretely into its design, a new class of footwear was born. A ballet shoe to finally meet the unique athletic demands placed on today’s dancers.
Innovation isn’t easy. But hey, as dancers, we don’t really DO easy, do we? So, it’s kind of no surprise that it was a dancer who dreamed big enough and worked hard enough to make what we all needed.
We Can’t Wait to Dance with You.