Dancing Through (and in) Summer: Tips for Thriving All Summer Long

Summer means different things to each of us. For most dancers, it is at the very least, a change to our typical school-year routine.

 Ballet students often use summertime to expand their horizons, taking off for summer courses at ballet schools around the country, and beyond. For professional dancers, the summer is typically a break from their usual work schedule— a time often used for gig work and summer teaching and guesting opportunities.

 Ballet dancers of all ages are some of the hardest working humans on the planet. Typically thriving on routine and endemically creatures of habit, summertime can often throw dancers into free-fall emotionally. While time to rest your body (and mind) and a respite from the day -to-day to demands of dance are both necessary and important for overall health, this kind of ‘break’ can be tough for many.

 We’ve outlined a few tips for thriving in summer:

  1. Expect the unexpected!

 When we break away from our routines and out of our ‘comfort zone’— whether by attending a summer course, workshop or intensive at a new school or taking a break from dancing for a few weeks— we make space for new opportunities that allow us to learn and grow. A new teacher may help you work though something you hadn’t yet mastered or guide you through new ways to approach a challenging step or role. A break from dancing gives us space to explore other pursuits; take time to attend an art event, relax outdoors, read, listen to music— all these things add value and richness to your life, which will reflect in your dancing. Remember, artistry comes from within—so don’t be afraid to fill yourself up with joy and meaningful experiences!

  1. Remember- everything is temporary.

 New experiences can be amazing and beneficial, but they can also be— less than great. If your summer program isn’t what you thought it would be, or if you aren’t finding your ‘people’ and really, you just can’t wait to get home— that’s ok. Remember, it’s temporary. This is not your ‘normal’ and if you take even one or two experiences away that impact you positively, consider it a ‘live and learn’ opportunity, and allow yourself to move confidently onwards and upwards. Eager to get back to your routine? It’ll be back. In the meantime, find joy in little things— there is no roadmap for how you ‘should’ fill your time, so do what makes YOU happy!

  1. Be prepared to (eventually) get back to your routine.

 Eventually, summer’s heat begins to lessen, and ‘back-to-school’ adds infiltrate our inboxes. Summer doesn’t last forever. The transition back into routine can be challenging (and exciting!) for both mind and body. Give yourself grace as you fall back into your more permanent rhythms. Get plenty of restorative sleep, nourish yourself with good food and take care with your body. Allow yourself time to stretch gently before and after classes, ice sore areas and take well-deserved deep soaking baths. Consider your Orza Pro Ones to be your BFF ballet shoe (the perfect companion!) as you navigate these changes. Designed for injury prevention, we encourage you to utilize OP1 to the max as you move through class, rehearsal and performances. We LOVE dancing with you.


How is your summer going? How do you navigate the changes summer naturally brings?

Let us know— we’d love to hear from you!